Fourth Dimension e-medical research announcing the formal release of the 3rd version of its electronic Bio-banking researching modules.


Fourth Dimension e-medical and pharmaceutical researching systems is announcing the formal release of the 3rd version of its electronic human Bio-banking modules that integrate with all “4THD INC” online medical applications and researching systems developed after February-2017 (The 24th and the 25th 4THD INC releases).

This electronic version was carefully developed to cover -in details- all the data related to the collection, receiving, storing and processing of 3 main biobanking types: Blood, Body Fluids, and Tissues.

This new version will be available to all North American and certain international based disease related projects as a start. And should be extended to other bio-banking related systems in the upcoming releases before the end of the fourth quarter of this year.

A new plan was made for the development of the next electronic version with added human bio-banking types such as: DNA and Cells; so that can cover a wide spectrum of studies and researches including Transplantation, Therapeutics, Diagnostics, and Forensics.

Fourth Dimension e-medical research announcing the formal release of the 3rd version of its electronic Bio-banking researching modules. was last modified: April 22nd, 2022 by Fourth Dimension Electronic Medical Research | Canada