Dr. Suzanne Stratton, PhD, VP, Scientific Development / Biopep Solutions Inc. – United States

4th Dimension has created comprehensive clinical trial software that provides simple and complete data capture in a highly secure platform. Furthermore, the speed at which the software performs eliminates computer ‘glitches’ and frustrations that arise from relying on local network speed. One of the best features of this system is its ability to perform predetermined statistical analysis for creation of publication-ready figures which saves time. When I was introduced to the 4th Dimension system I was delighted and I wondered, “where has this been my whole life!”.

Suzanne Stratton, PhD
Vice President, Scientific Development / Biopep Solutions Inc.
Managing Director, SBA1, Inc.
United States
Dr. Suzanne Stratton, PhD, VP, Scientific Development / Biopep Solutions Inc. – United States was last modified: December 20th, 2015 by Fourth Dimension Electronic Medical Research | Canada