Maintenance and Support

Maintenance and Support

No matter when or where you stand in need for our support; Fourth Dimension e-Medical and Pharmaceutical Services Inc is committed to providing you with uncompromised 24/7 fast responses services and technical support. This is with unforgettable customer service experiences for all running studies and projects through our different time zoning customer care stations and administration sites.


4THD INC. Support

Our system will provide you with a smart and fast accessibility forms that when submitted; will trigger a different levels of high priority alarms in certain designated 4THD INC administrative sites to take care of.

Furthermore, we offer our clients an online guidance to all running studies’ methods, responses, and how to operate the system.  Besides that, and in order to improve the efficiency of all investigators, and research assistants when using our electronic solutions. All 4THD INC researching systems and studies are developed to act as tutorials. This is why; it is presented in a way to provide easy and “simple to understand” variables, procedures, transactions, case report forms and interfaces.

Really, you can count on Fourth Dimension to be around, alerted, and promptly supportive to you; whenever you need it.

Maintenance and Support was last modified: June 10th, 2017 by Fourth Dimension Electronic Medical Research | Canada